Tips On Potty Training Your Pup! November 11, 2022esthel na Eight simple tips for potty-training your puppy! minimize the mess & have your furry friend potty-trained in no time.
Do Dogs Need To Wear Sweaters During Winter? November 08, 2022esthel na Reason's as to why your dog needs to have a winter sweater of their own.
Human Foods Dogs Can And Cannot Eat? November 02, 2022esthel na Surely there is nothing wrong with sharing our favorite people foods with our dogs, right? Not necessarily. Find what's a do & what's a don't for your furry friend.
My Dog Always Wants to Play October 26, 2022esthel na its all about the playing!! is it good? how rough or not rough? all questions answer here!
My Dog Will Only Eat Treats October 19, 2022esthel na treats for dinner...that's a no go! if this sounds like your doggie, here's some tips or concerns you may need to look into.
Super easy & cute dog costumes for Halloween with these Miminko staples! October 18, 2022esthel na Great Halloween costume ideas for dog right here!! But what's even better is that each Miminko piece can be worn on any day of the week not just holidays.
Tips for Introducing your New Pet to Another Pet October 12, 2022esthel na Thinking of getting a new pet bff? worried your current pet or pets might not be super welcoming.? Well Miminko is here to help you! with all the Tips on...
Difference Between Puppy And Adult Dog Food October 05, 2022esthel na What's different about these two food products that look almost identical?The main difference is the amount of protein per serving. While most adult dogs can have around 20% of their...
Newborn And Older Puppies Diet Frequency September 28, 2022esthel na Newborn puppies will eat their mother's milk around every two hours. The time between feedings will gradually increase until they only need one or two nighttime feeds.By the time they...
Tips for Families with Young Children & Dogs September 21, 2022esthel na With smaller children, parents have to be mindful of the child and the dog. When kids get older and start walking around, dogs can sometimes age and slow down, making them less tolerant of...
How Long Does It Take to Potty Train a Puppy? September 14, 2022esthel na Potty training is one of the first things pup is going to be learning, and it’s a process that will require a lot of time and patience. There isn't a guaranteed...
Dog's Broken Nails Can Be Dangerous September 07, 2022esthel na A broken nail for our dogs should be taken more seriously than when we break a nail. If not addressed properly, there might be more complications asides from the extreme pain. There...