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The United States has some of the most diverse geography available in the world. It’s also home to some of the most incredible dog-friendly destinations. If you and your pooch are itching for adventure, any of the 10 destinations from our list are a great idea.
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It’s that time of the year again and your furry little friend can already sniff the love in the air! Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Let us not forget to show our love and appreciation to our furry friends.

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Before leaving your dog alone with a dog sitter, make sure you are confident in the care your dog will receive by asking the right questions beforehand and leaving a detailed list of necessary information about your home and dog.
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Helpful hacks to get pet hair from your car seats, couch, and everything in between.
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A frequently neglected nutrient, water is the most critical nutrient required by a dog (or any animal) for survival. Your dog can live for weeks without food, but a lack of water can cause severe dehydration, organ failure or worse within a few days. Here's what to look for and how to handle it asap should dehydration occur with your furry friend.
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