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The United States has some of the most diverse geography available in the world. It’s also home to some of the most incredible dog-friendly destinations. If you and your pooch are itching for adventure, any of the 10 destinations from our list are a great idea.
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Before leaving your dog alone with a dog sitter, make sure you are confident in the care your dog will receive by asking the right questions beforehand and leaving a detailed list of necessary information about your home and dog.
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A frequently neglected nutrient, water is the most critical nutrient required by a dog (or any animal) for survival. Your dog can live for weeks without food, but a lack of water can cause severe dehydration, organ failure or worse within a few days. Here's what to look for and how to handle it asap should dehydration occur with your furry friend.
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Indeed, many pet parents find themselves perplexed when their dog shows signs of separation anxiety. While separation anxiety in dogs can arise early, it can also arise spontaneously or later in a canine’s life. Let’s break down separation anxiety in dogs and explore what you can do to help your pup get used to you being away.
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Traveling with your pet can be a rewarding experience and a great way to bond with them. Before traveling, make sure you pack all the items on our  checklist.
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